Feel-Good Food
Holistic Wellbeing

Divine and unexpected

Nutrition and wellbeing

Wholesome dining
About the trend
This year is all about the feel-good factor.“Healthy options” are about to be transformed. By thinking outside of the box, we can dream up divine and unexpected dishes that are rich and beautiful to look at, and tasty too!

"My dish is a twist on a classic Filipino starter.
I transformed it into a chopped salad, incorporating classic Ensalada vegetables and dressing. This dish highlights the versatility of our veggies in different preparations, like salads. I added Western ingredients like edamame and quinoa to create a healthy Filipino dish."
Chef Kenneth Cacho, Country Executive Chef, UFS Philippines

Offer comfort with this refreshing hi-protein creation. The shrimp salad bowl features an ensalada and a calamansi-soy dressing to appeal to local tastes.

Level up the traditional tuna silog by giving it a Japanese twist. Serve the adobo-style fish with rice porridge, tornado eggs, and tomato gravy.

Searching for a creative way to use tuna tail? Braise it with aromatics, then deep-fry until crisp. Serve with buro and mustasa for a proudly Pinoy feast!

Elevate the classic pinaputok na isda with this salmon en papilotte recipe. This dish features sinigang vegetables and a creamy sauce for a creative twist.